Personal Information Nationality: Turkish
Date & place of birth: 1971, Darende – Malatya/Turkey
Marital Status: Married
Education 1995-1999 UMIST -- Control Systems Centre, EEE Dept Manchester, UK
PhD, Control Engineering
1993-1994 UMIST -- Control Systems Centre, EEE Dept Manchester, UK
MSc, Conrol & Information Systems -- Graduated as 5th best student.
1992-1993 ITU -- Computer & Control Engineering Department Istanbul, Turkey
MSc, Conrol & Computer Engineering (partly completed) -- 4 modules (95.25/100)
1991-1992 ITU -- Language Preparation School Istanbul, Turkey
Graduated as the best student.
1987-1991 ITU -- Computer & Control Engineering Department Istanbul, Turkey
BSc, Conrol & Computer Engineering -- Graduated as the 3rd best student.
1984-1987 Üsküdar Burhan Felek Lisesi (high school) Istanbul, Turkey
Graduated as the 3rd best student.
Achievements Won a prize from TÜBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Assoc.) in 1987
In the first 500 students from about 700.000 students in OSS (University Student Selection Exam) in 1987.
Languages Turkish Native
English TOEFL: 603, TWE: 5/6 (1993), KPDS: 94/100 (1999)
IT Skills Assembly & Machine Language: Pentium, IBM4381, M68000, M6802, MCS6510
Operating Systems: DOS, Unix, Linux, Windows, IBM4381
High Level Languages: C, C++, Pascal, F, Fortran,  Basic, SmallTalk, Java,  SQL
Programming Environments: Mathematica, Matlab, Visual Studio (MFC), Maple, Mathcad, Borland IDE
Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, CSS, DHTML, XML, Flash  
ASP, SSI, CGI, PHP, FrontPage, Dreamveawer, Fireworks
Document Formatting: TeX, LaTeX, Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect
Work Experience 2013- ITU - Control and Automation Engineering Department Istanbul, Turkey Academic Staff
2008-2013 ITU - Control Engineering Department Istanbul, Turkey Academic Staff
2000-2008  ITU - Electrical Engineering Department Istanbul, Turkey Academic Staff
2000-2003  Yeditepe University - Department of Systems Engineering  Istanbul, Turkey Visiting lecturer
2000-2003  Yeditepe University - Institute of Social Sciences (MBA) Istanbul, Turkey Visiting lecturer
1996-1999 UMIST - Electrical & Electronics Eng. Dept. Manchester, UK Demonstrator (in CAD and Electronics labs)
1/7 - 1/8 1989 SIMKO (Siemens & Koç Power Supply Factory) Istanbul, Turkey Apprentice
Administrative Duties 2014- Member of ABET Board of Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Technical University
2013- Chair of Railway Systems Engineering Department ITU Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology
2012- Advisory Board Member of Graduate School ITU Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology
2010-2013 Vice Dean of Faculty ITU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty
2009- General Secretary TOK (Turkish National Member of IFAC)
2008-2013 Faculty Executive Board Member (Representative of Associate Professors) ITU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty
2008-2010 Vice Chair of Department ITU Control Engineering Department
2004-2006 Faculty Board Member (Representative of Assistant Professors) ITU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty
2003-2008 Vice Chair of Department ITU Electrical Engineering Department
2002- Member of Executive Board of Control and Automation Engineering Program ITU Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology
2001- Disaster Management Coordinator ITU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty
2001-2014 Control Engineering Program Total Quality Coordinator ITU Control Engineering Department
Courses Taught Undegraduate Level: Introduction to Scientific & Engineering Computation (F)
Introduction to Scientific & Engineering Computation (C)
Automatic Control Systems (in Turkish)
Control System Design (in Turkish)
Control Laboratory (in Turkish)
Signal Processing
Digital System Design
Graduate Level: Railway Systems Engineering (in Turkish)
Railway Signalling Systems
Control of Systems with Parameter Uncertainties
Robust Control Systems
Basics and Applications of Mitigation
Strategic Website Management
Areas of Research Simulation of DC traction railway systems, energy efficiency in railway systems, railway signalling, pole Assignment (pole placement, pole shifting, eigenstructure assignment), linear control systems theory, multivariable systems, robust control, matrix theory, computer algebra, computer aided control system design (CACSD), numerical analysis, optimization, genetic algorithms, PID Controllers, low order controller design, flight control systems, emergency management systems.
Interests & Activities Reading & writing poems and short stories, computer programming, chess, football & basketball, strategy games,
disaster management, mitigation.
Projects Involvement / Including but not restricted to
· Academic Advisor  for MARMARAY Project, Turkish Railways (TCDD), (2014 -)
Industrial Advising · IDIS Railway Supervision and Signalling Project (ITU Teknopolis, Project Manager, 2013-)
· Assessment of Connection of Negative Return Feeders to One Rail in Ankara M1 line for ANSALDO STS, 201 3-2014
· Academic Advisor for Traction Power Systems of New Lines, Turkish Railways (TCDD), (2013 - 2014)
· Turkish National Railway Signalling Project (TUBITAK, Project Manager of ITU Team, 2009-2012)
· External Safety Assessor for SIMS System of MARMARAY Project  (Mitsubishi Electric Turkey,  2012-2013)
· Traction Power Simulation of Ankara Metro Lines M1, M2 M3, Atilla Makine - Alarko, 201 2-2013
· Traction Power Simulation of Bursa T1 Tramway Line, Burulas, 2012
· Ankara M1 Return Rail Cross Bonding Assessment for ANSALDO STS, 201 1
· Traction Power Simulation of Bursa Nostagic Tramway Line, Burulas, 2010
· Traction Power Simulation of Izmir Metro Line, Öztaş, 2010
· Traction Power Simulation and Assessment of Optimal Coasting Points for Kadıköy-Kartal Metro Line, Avrasya Metro Group, 2009
· Traction Power Simulation of Gaziantep Tramway Line, E+M, 2009
· Traction Power Simulation of Izmir Metro Line, Batıray, 2008,
· Traction Power Simulation of Otogar- Kirazlı Metro Line, E+M, 2008
· Traction Power Simulation of Sultanciftligi-Top kapı Tramway Line, E+M, 2007
· Traction Power Simulation of Kirazlı 1-Olimpiyat Köy-Başak Şehir 4 Metro Line, E+M, 2007-2008
· Academic Advisor, I stanbul Ulasim AS,  (2006)
· Advisor and Trainer for Disaster Management , IPRAGAZ (2005/span>)
· An Automation Project for Improving the Education Quality of Control Engineering Program (İTÜ BAP, Project Manager, 2005)
· Traction Power Simulation of E minönü-Zeytinburnu Street Tramway, İTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Projesi, Project Manager, 2004.
· Traction Power Simulation of Üsküdar-Ümraniye Metro, İTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Projesi, Project Manager, 2004.
· Investigation of Disaster Prepared Communities , İTÜ BAP, Project Manager, 2002.
· the ACHIEVE Project
Membership to Scientific Organizations · IEEE , Member, since 1999
     · Control Systems Society, (1999 -)
     · Computer Society, (1999 -)
· IFAC, Member, since 2009
     · TC 2.2 Linear Control Systems, (2009 -)
     · TC 2.5 Robust Control, (2009 -)
     · TC 7.4 Transportation Systems, (2009 -)
     · TC 9.3 Developing Countries, (2009 - 2013, vice chair between 2011-2013)
     · TC 9.4 Control Education, (2009 -)
· TOK (Turkish National Member Organisation of IFAC), General Secratary, since 2009
Supervised Postgraduate Theses PhD Theses:
M S Durmuş (2014,6), "A Control and Automation Engineering Approach to Railway Interlocking System Design", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program
İ Üstoğlu (2009, 6), "Analysis and Design of Fixed Order Stabilizing Controllers for SISO and TITO Systems: A Computer Algebra Point of View", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program
N Bayhan (2008, 10), "Robust P and PI Controller Design",ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program
S Açıkbaş (2008, 7), "Energy Efficient Train Scheduling for Multi-Train Multi-Line Railway Systems", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering Program (co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Adnan Kaypmaz)
MSc Theses:
İ Yakın (2015, 1), "Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety (RAMS) Management of Railway Signalling Systems & FMES-FTA Analysis Application", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
S F Avşar (2012, 5), "Katsayı Diyagramı Yöntemi ve Çeşitli Uygulamaları", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program, in Turkish
K Akın (2012, 1), "Sabit Kanatlı İnsansız Hava Aracının Dikey Uçuş Kontrolü", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program, in Turkish
D Yıldırım (2010, 9), "An Algorithm for Decoupling and Pole Assignment of Linear Multivariable Systems", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program
M Tekin (2010, 9), "Antenna Control with PI, LQG and H ∞ Controllers", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program, in Turkish
U Yıldırım (2010, 5), "Calculation of All Stabilizing PID Controllers for Linear Systems: A Computer Algebra Approach", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program, in Turkish
S Türk (2010, 5), "Automatic Interlocking Algorithm and Code Generation Method for Railway Transportation Signalization Systems", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program, in Turkish
A Sonat (2010, 5), "Interlocking Table Design and Automatic Code Generation with Automaton Approach in Rail Transportation Systems ", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Program, in Turkish
B Birol (2010, 5), "Elektrikli Ulaşım Sistemlerinde Sinyalizasyon", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
Ö T Çalışkan (2010, 5), "Hava Trafik Kontrolünde Çarpışmaların Çözümlenmesi", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı, İngilizce
B S Nesimioğlu (2009, 12), "Zaman Gecikmeli Sistemler için Düşük Mertebeli Kontrolör Tasarımı", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
C Karaca (2009, 12), "Altı Bacaklı Robotik Platformun Modellenmesi, Kontrolü ve Gerçek Zamanlı Sistem Uygulaması", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
İ M C Uygan (2009, 8), "Uyarlamalı Melez Araç Kontrolü", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
E Akgök (2009, 5), "Petri Ağları ile Demiryolu Anklaşman ve Sinyalizasyon Tasarımı", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
Ö E Avşaroğulları (2009, 5), "Anklaşman Sistemleri için Raylı Sistem Sinyalizasyon Simülasyonu ve SCADA Tasarımı Projesi" (İngilizce), İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
U Özdemir, "Sabit Kanatlı Uçakların Uçuş Benzetimi ve Kontrolü" (İngilizce), İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Uçak ve Uzay Mühendisliği Programı (eş danışman: Prof. Dr. M. Ş. Kavsaoğlu)
E Börü (2008, 9), "Top-Plaka Deney Setinin Tasarım ve Kontrolü", İTÜ  Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
B Aytekin (2007, 12), "Endüksiyon Ocak Elektronik Kontrol Sistem Tasarımı", İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
S Ekinci (2007, 6), "Bir (İHA) İnsansız Hava Aaracı ve Uçuş Kontrol Sisteminin Tasarımı", İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mekatronik Mühendisliği Programı (eşdanışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hayri Acar)
E M Bozkurt (2006, 5), "Numerik Kutup Yerleştirme İşleminde Hata Analizi",  İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
D Toklu (2006, 1), "Görsel Final Kalite Kontrol Sistemleri", İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
Ö C Özkan (2005, 5), “Dayanıklı PID Kontrolör Tasarımı”,  İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
F Köse (2005, 1), “Dişli Çark Hatalarının Görüntü İşleme Yöntemleri ile Ölçümü”,  İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mekatronik Mühendisliği Programı
A Doğancı (2003, 12), “F16 Uçağının Boylamsal Hareketinin Dayanıklı Kontrolü”,  İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kontrol Sistemleri ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Programı
Contact Mail : Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
Elektrik-Elektronik Fakültesi
Kontrol ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği Bölümü
34469     Maslak-Istanbul
E-Mail: turan (at)
Tel: +90 212 285 35 70
Fax: +90 212 285 36 79